At Saint Paul and the Redeemer, different partitioners write versions of the Prayers of the People each week. They are always written by paritioners, and never by a rector or deacon, so that they are really prayers of the people–or so it was explained to me. One of my first real activities in my internship was to compose these prayers, and they were used today.

I wrote the first draft in a medicine-induced haze after my accident, and I was sure they were terrible. However, I sent them to my dad and he said he actually really liked them (and he insisted it wasn’t only because I was his kid.) Slightly more sober, I did another read-through and sent them to my rector, who also said he liked them. I’m not sure how I feel about large portions of it, but I thought I would share them. I’m particularly proud of the concluding collect. I kind of threw the rest to the wind and just decided I was going to write something that expressed what I thought, rather than tailoring it to anything in particular. For me, I guess, that prayer is pretty indicative of my faith as a whole. I figure it’s worth sharing.

Also, anyone who wants to critique, please let me know. I’m sure I’ll have to do this a few more times.


Let us pray for the Church and for the world.

Gracious God, we give thanks to you for the gift of this community, our church. Grant that all members of our universal body be filled with delight, reverence and trust, so that we may be ever rejoicing in your gifts, ever receptive to your word, and ever eager to emulate your loving-kindness.

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


Noble God, guide the leaders of our world, nation, and city to engage us and one another with honor and respect. We pray for reconciliation and discernment for leaders and individuals involved in the current protests in the Middle East.

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


Creator God, help us to marvel in the beauty of your creation: its mysteries, its mechanisms, and its bounty. Help us to be just stewards of this magnificent earth and its oceans. Teach us to be mindful of its limitations, and give us the courage to care for it as we were charged.

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


God of love, remember and cradle all those who suffer. Be present with us in our distress. Calm us in our anxieties. Be a light to us in the infinite darkness, and give us the courage to share that light with those in our community, especially […]

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


God of joy, fill us with gratitude and thanksgiving for the company of one another. Grant that through our happiness, your bounty is spread throughout the world. We give thanks for all who celebrate birthdays this week, especially […] and for those who are celebrating anniversaries.

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


God of rest, keep those who have died in your eternal embrace; remove from them all grief and distress, and let them reside in your overwhelming peace. We pray especially for […]

Lord, in your mercy,

People:  Hear our prayer.


I invite you to offer your own prayers and thanksgivings, ending each with “Lord, in your mercy.”

Concluding Collect [said by Presider]:

O God, whose abundant love makes meaningless the tools of oppression and control, transform all that contains and constrains us: as you made useless the stone before your tomb, make useless the bindings on our hearts, minds, and communities. In Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.


1 Comment

Mom · October 1, 2012 at 10:29 pm

They are lovely, Mags. Really.

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