CPE Journal #10

  This image is the final image in my CPE Journal Series–completed for my wonderful Aunt and Uncle Trifoso! It resembles a steampunk airship…mostly because I felt like trying to draw one. I was getting a little fantastical towards the end of the summer.

CPE Journal Week 9

In this one I had a lot of the elements of my life this summer: viaducts, spray-painted trains–tagged things and metro lines. The leaves on a summer tree, and quiet, lonely faces everywhere I looked. There’s a lot of thought in this one.

CPE Journal Week 7

This one is from Week 7–I’m still behind, of course. It was purchased by my great Aunt and Uncle Reed, in the DC area. Absolutely everyone is getting involved. It’s really great. 🙂  

CPE Journal Week 6

Still behind, of course, but I’m catching up. This is Week 6–purchased by my very supportive and awesome Mom, of Minneapolis storytelling-land fame. She’s doing a show at the MN Fringe this year. 

CPE Journal Week 4

This image, for Week 4, was purchased by my Aunt and Uncle in Olean, NY. Many thanks to them for their support! There are new Sharpie colors out now–and they are pretty exciting. Sharpie Neons are my long, long awaited light blue and light green. Previously I was using a Read more…

CPE Journal Artwork #2

CPE Week #2! This artwork was generously purchased by my one and only Dad (and on Father’s Day Week, to boot.) It took me a long time to get this up here, because I’ve been pretty busy just trying to get all my things together in my move. It’s almost Read more…